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Source: https://me.mashable.com/
The theatre scene in Egypt got even more interesting as the CairoInternational Festival for Experimental Theatre announced the launch of a new initiative—Theatre Festivals Network.
The management of the upcoming, 28th edition of the Cairo International Festival made the announcement recently to strengthen the theatre industry in the region.
The initiative aims to unite the most reputable theatre festivals taking place in the Arab world, those that have local, Arab, or international impacts.
The president of the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre revealed that the Network will set a clear and united agenda for the festivals taking part in the initiative. This will regularise and allow coordinating all the dates of the region’s theatre festivals to avoid overlapping in their schedules.
The initiative will also pay the way for the theatre enthusiasts to get a platform wherein they can exchange information, performances and share training experiences.
The criteria of participation and the application process to the ‘Theatre Festivals Network’ have been made available at the CIFET’s official website, along with information on all the official social media platforms.
The 28th Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre will take place between 14 and 19 December 2021 and the official launch of the project for festivals in the Arab region will take place during the CIFET’s 28th edition in the presence of the presidents of the participating festivals.
The festival’s president is Gamal Yakout who has been appointed by Egypt’s minister of culture, Ines Abdel Dayem. He also revealed the management board that includes artistic directors Mohamed Abdelrahman El-Shafei and Saeed Kabeel.
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