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Trump's Attack On Media Organizations Increased Their Revenue Growth
24 Apr, 2018 / 12:19 PM / OMNES News

Source: https://www.cnbc.com


Surprise firings, criminal investigations and vague statements that have world leaders scratching their heads has turned President Donald Trump's administration into political theater.

And the media – one of Trump's favorite go-to targets- is reaping the benefits. Experts expected media ratings to normalize after the election when the NFL and other popular TV shows started to air. That's clearly not the case.

New York Times subscription revenue grew to more than $1 billion in 2017. It wasn't even affected by Donald Trump's constant criticism, including cancelling a meeting with the publication because he called their tactics of changing interview rules "not nice."

But it's not just the New York Times seeing the benefit. Another frequent subject of Trump's ire – the Washington Post – hit more than 1 million digital subscriptions for the first time in September 2017.

A "60 Minutes" interview with President Donald Trump's alleged mistress Stormy Daniels was viewed by 22 million people. It was the show's highest ratings in 10 years.

And CNN, Fox News and Politico have sustained higher readership rates ever since the 2016 election according to comScore.

Trump's constant tweets led one analyst to estimate he was worth as much as $2 billion to Twitter, writing "there is no better free advertising in the world than the president of the United States" in his notes.

The midterm elections are approaching this year. A new storyline of Democrats trying to win control of Congress is continuing to emerge. It's only going to add fuel to the Trump storylines, which means, buckle up, we're in for even more political coverage. And it's all good news ahead for the media business.