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Twitter Launches Larger Image Previews On Mobile, Ruins The Surprise!
10 May, 2021 / 01:29 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://in.mashable.com/


You've probably seen the meme in which a cropped image on Twitter looks like one thing, but then when you tap on it, it's something else? Well, that one won't work anymore. 

On Wednesday, Twitter introduced bigger image previews on iOS and Android. 

The larger image previews do have their limits, though. According to Twitter, images with 2:1 and 3:4 aspect ratios will now show in full. If you post an incredibly tall image, it will still get cropped. 

Twitter started testing this feature back in March, but now it's rolling out to everyone. 

Oddly, this only works on mobile; on the web, the images still get cropped as before, even though most people have more screen real estate on the web than on their phone. However, Twitter says it's working to bring this feature to the web "soon."