Home > Media News > Twitter Now Lets iOS Users Share Tweets Directly On Instagram Stories

Twitter Now Lets iOS Users Share Tweets Directly On Instagram Stories
24 Jun, 2021 / 08:19 AM / OMNES Media LLC

Source: http://in.mashable.com


Sharing a tweet on other social media platforms has always been all about taking screenshots or screen captures, but a feature for iOS users makes the process super easy.

Twitter has enabled a new feature that lets you share a tweet to your Instagram Stories with only a couple of steps — steps that you're already familiar with if you frequently share your IG Stories on Facebook too. To share a tweet, just tap on any tweet, then tap on the share button and then tap on Instagram Stories. That's all you have to do.

Twitter will ask you for permission before launching the Instagram app, and it goes without saying but you will need to the app installed in order to let the feature work. Once you're on the Stories page on Instagram, you'll notice that the tweet you'd picked now has neat rounded corners and a pleasant card-like design to it.

Notable reverse-engineering guru Jane Manchun Wong has also noted that once you share a tweet on IG Stories, the card doesn't really give you an option of opening the tweet on Twitter. So in case you want to interact with that tweet, you'll still have to open the Twitter app and search your way through.

It is also worth noting though that that the share feature only lets users share to Instagram Stories and not create an Instagram post so if you wanted to share it in your profile, screenshots are still the only way. The update has already begun rolling out so most of you reading this should be able to access the feature, but as is the case with most server-side improvements, it could take a day or so for the feature to show up on everyone's iPhone.