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UAE-based consortium secures vaccine supply to Africa with ultra-cold storage devices
30 Dec, 2021 / 05:39 am / OMNES Media LLC

Source: https://me.mashable.com


Wave after wave of the pandemic has made it clear that large-scale vaccination at a speed never seen before is humanity's best bet against the virus that has either led to stagnation or triggered chaos in different parts of the world, and the world needs to work together towards achieving this goal. The UAE has already used medtech devices paired with online platforms to detect and track infected patients, after which it displayed similar digital expertise in vaccinating as many people as possible before most countries across the globe.

As the world braces for the spread of another variant of the virus, vaccines are being upgraded, along with deployment of booster doses, and new restrictions on movement are being imposed to prevent another devastating wave of infections that threatens the world. In order to make sure that the maximum number of people in less developed parts of the world get access to immunity, a consortium of leading firms in the healthcare industry has stepped up efforts to strengthen storage of vaccines in Africa with ultra-cold freezers.

Since the vaccines need to be stored at a temperature of -70 degrees celcius, around 65 of the devices capable of freezing the compound will be sent to 21 African countries, in order to set up a strong supply chain for millions of doses. The project has been initiated as part of the international joint effort called COVAX, which is meant to ensure that residents in every country can get free vaccination to tackle the pandemic.

Super freezers on their way to the continent will be used for storage as well as effective distribution of a massive batch of vaccines, which has been donated to African countries by the US. The consortium has partnered with UNICEF for this immunisation push, apart from which it has also set up a vaccine hub in Abu Dhabi, with the capacity to accommodate 120 million doses at a time.

In addition to that, HOPE also operates the UAE's largest freezer farm, where 11 million doses are stored at a temperature of -70 degrees celcius.