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UAE becomes first Gulf country to offer artificial joint replacement of thumb
28 Mar, 2022 / 10:57 am / OMNES Media LLC


The surgery, which takes over an hour, leads to a faster recovery

Experts at the Minimally Invasive Hand Surgery Technics Conference that was recently held at the Sharjah Surgical Institute have announced that the UAE has become the first country in the GCC region to offer a surgery that replaces the thumb joint with an artificial joint. University of Sharjah.

An advanced technique using an endoscope to decompress the median nerve in the hand is now also being offered for the first time in the UAE.

The conference, that took place at the University of Sharjah, witnessed the participation of 14 hand surgeons and other healthcare professionals from across the Middle East.

The experts discussed modern techniques in the fields of hand surgery, microscopic surgery, and ultrasound surgeries.

Dr. Marouane Bouloudhnine, Consultant Orthopedics Surgeon at Burjeel Hospital in Dubai and Chairman of the Conference, said, "This is a new surgical method to release the pressure on the median nerve in the hand. The surgery, which takes over an hour, leads to a faster recovery and a better return to normal life when compared to a traditional method with a larger surgical opening. The endoscope we use is only intended for this type of surgery. The technique has been in use in America and Europe."

He also informed of the establishment of the Hand Surgeons Association last January as a part of the Emirates Medical Association, while stressing on the importance of seeking specialised surgeons for hand operations instead of patients going to general orthopaedic doctors for treatment.

"I have been to Italy, Germany and a few other countries," he said. "This is my seventh year in Dubai and every year, I have clients from different nationalities. I am one of the few artists in the world who have clients from almost all countries and reason behind it is Dubai's cosmopolitan residents and tourists."

In the future, Sow is looking forward to participating in more editions of Global Village.

'The man with the magical fingers'
The lines of Djiby Sow's palms map the journey he has taken to feed his two wives and seven children. He has earned the title of the 'man with the magical fingers' because of the strenuous process involved in creating his masterpieces.

First, he takes the log and chops it according to the desired size and shape with his specialised tools. Once it takes shape, the only tools he uses are his fingers. He rubs the wood with sandpaper with his bare hands to create a stunning artefact.

The time it takes to complete a wooden sculpture often varies. "A few of these creatives take about a day to complete and many of these take over three days," Sow said.

His sculptures also range in size — some are as small as a fingernail, while others are as large as five feet. The price starts at Dh100 and goes up to Dh1,000, depending on the size and detailing. Sow also crafts customised pieces based on the client's requirement.

Meaning behind his work
Most of Sow's creations have a specific meaning behind them. "I am a traditional artist who fuses cultures and traditions into the work I do," he said. "Some I have crafted showcase tradition back in my country."

Sow's pieces at Global Village include his signature Baba Africa, a lady carrying a pail of water on her head, a couple in love, a family of two and four and a traditional Senegalese couple, which are featured in the collage below.

Sow's contributions to the Global Village are no small feat. A few months before the mega festival begins every year, he sources the best wood from Senegal and brings it to Dubai.

"I ship this wood by sea before embarking on my six-month journey," Sow said. His artefacts are created using four types of wood.

African mahogany, acajou wood, African teak and khaya mahogany are strong and can last for centuries, Sow said. The different types of wood he uses are pictured below.