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Source: http://www.mashable.com
Ramadan is expected to start on March 23 and end on April 21.
With less than 30 days until Ramadan, students in several schools across the U.A.E. are scheduled to receive a two-week break, according to local media reports.
Spring break may occur during Holy Month, allowing students to spend time with their families and follow the religious practices of the month. Ramadan is expected to commence on March 23 and end on April 21, depending on moon sightings. Muslims will fast from sunrise to sundown for up to 14 hours a day during this period, abstaining from food and drink.
The time of the fast increases by minutes, each day. Along with the extended break, students can expect shorter school days during Ramadan.
The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) directed all Dubai schools last year to limit classes to no more than five hours per day during the holy month. The same directive is likely to be issued again this year.
The labor legislation mandates a two-hour reduction in the workday for private-sector employees, with a maximum of six hours per day or 36 hours per week.
This will help those who are fasting manage their energy levels while still completing their work duties.
The moon-sighting committee will determine the precise dates of Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr closer to the time. Last year, the Holy Month started on April 1.
Ramadan regulations for non-Muslim citizens and visitors:
Non-Muslims are not required to fast. However, according to the official U.A.E. government portal, they are not allowed to eat, drink, or smoke in public during fasting hours. This involves chewing gum as well.
Furthermore, non-Muslim residents and visitors are not permitted to:
Engage in any form of aggressive behavior
You may not dance or play music in public, but you may listen to music quietly with headphones.
Wearing inappropriate outfits in public
During Ramadan, blasphemy is deemed especially offensive.
Refuse a gift or an invitation to attend Iftar
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