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Wunderman's Global Chief Executive, Mark Read, Got into Marketing By accident!
8 Jan, 2018 / 05:01 pm / OMNES News

Source: http://www.thedrum.com/


What was your first ever job?

The Trading floor, EF Hutton, The City, 1987. It was the year that Wall Street came out [1987].

Why did you get into marketing?

By accident. Mainly to avoid being a management consultant or investment banker and I wasn’t totally successful in the first goal.

What would be the perfect day?

If I’m honest, it wouldn’t be a work day, but with my family, somewhere hot, probably remote, involving a beach.

What is your ideal work night out?

A small dinner with close colleagues and clients.

What is the best book you have ever read?

Business: Barbarians at the Gate.

If you could ban one buzzword or piece of jargon what would it be?


What is the most exciting thing about your job?

The variety and the competitive nature.

If you could go to one marketing event this year, which would it be?

I still love Stream, the WPP unconference in Athens. We bring together a fascinating group of people from across the industry and those who have been will know the luxury accommodation is a real bonus. I’ve been to every one for the last 10 years and wouldn’t miss it.

Do you ever turn your phone off and if so, when?

At night. I have taken my work email off my phone to stop incessant interruptions.

What's the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Never give up.